What is CSS gradient and how it us useful?

CSS Gradient is a website that displays smooth and easy transitions up to two or more colors. It includes many tools that generate website background. Transparency is one the great feature which is supported by CSS gradient . Color stop positions will make your gradient look more colorful and attractive. Moreover, there are endless possibilities to make your gradient great. The starting point is the place where the first color of any gradient will start and the ending point will show the ending of the last color. Keep in mind that if two color stops reach a similar location, then the transition made will be a hard line. The color stops would always be in ascending order. The gradients are of four types: linear-gradient, radial-gradient, conic gradient, repeating radial gradient. The gradients help the designers to have new chances to provide more designs to a large audience. So to change the overall look of your website, you have to use gradients whether it be linear-gradient, radial-g...